Friday, March 31, 2006

Thinking About Following

As I wrote yesterday's post, I was reminded of another song that we used to sing back in the '70's: Day By Day. It's a simple song. It goes like this: "Day by day, day by day, Oh, dear Lord three things I pray--to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, Follow Thee more nearly, day by day." Then there is that wonderful old hymn, Follow On, which we used to sing in church. As I think back over these 30+ years of following the LORD, there seem to be a lot of songs & hymns that talk about following Him. Yeshua said, "My sheep hear My voice, and they follow Me." I want to be a good sheep. I want to hear His voice and obey, following Him with all of my heart in all of my ways. I believe that the first 25 or so years of my walk of faith laid a foundation and since then the LORD has been building and working in me. I know over these past 5 or 6 years, He has been dealing with me much more specifically, in direct connection to several scriptures, and it has been exciting to see how far I've come and all that I've learned as I purposed in my heart to follow Him in trust and obedience. He is still calling, still directing, still teaching, still saying, "Come, follow Me." And so I come, sometimes running to Him with all of my heart, sometimes limping and wounded, but always moving towards my Shepherd and the Lover of my soul.

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