Sunday, November 26, 2006

Life Lessons From Death

I want to share some insights that the LORD has given me during this time. These come from my daily Bible reading, the chaplain's message at my BIL's funeral, and meditating on life in general. The chaplain had a really good message which I appreciated so much! He taught on Psalm 90:12--So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. He pointed out that people today seem obsessed with youth and longevity, spending millions to look & feel younger and to live as long as possible. They are focused on the quantity of life when they ought to be focused on the quality of life, on applying their hearts to God's wisdom. I wish I could've taped his message.

At any rate, the LORD used that to remind me that I need to be mindful of what I focus my life on. What are my life priorities? What do I value? If I lost what I value, would I feel like life was no longer worth living? When I leave all this behind, then what? Will I be prepared for eternity? And what will I leave behind for my loved ones? What legacy will I leave them? All these things went through my mind at the funeral and later.

Then these additional thoughts came along:

1) Keep your focus. I should be focused on Yeshua at all times in all ways.

2) Set your affections on things above. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Keep eternity in view.

3) Be content with what you have. If I am not content with what I have, no matter how much I have, it will never be enough.

4) Love the ones you're with; don't take them for granted. Life is short and none of us know what tomorrow will bring. I need to let those I love know that I love them every time I am with them so that if/when death parts us, I will know that I did all I could to let them know I loved them.

5) Don't sweat the small stuff. The things of this earth will pass away; in eternity most of these trials and struggles won't matter so why let them steal my joy in today?

6) Make today count. I need to be "redeeming the time."

I'm sure that the LORD will continue to teach me His wisdom through these life events and His Word, but for now, that's what He's given me.

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